
Skill Sheets, 2e editie

An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management


Rob van Tulder



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Skill Sheets is a practical resource for understanding and developing core skills that all university students need to obtain. In a very concise manner, this book shows how these skills are related and how one can develop and work with many skills simultaneously. With these skills at hand, students are able to maintain a better focus on the contents of their course.

Developed and in use at RSM Erasmus University, Skill Sheets has been thoroughly tested over many years by both students and professors, and improved accordingly.

First-year University students

Verkorte inhoudsopgave (onder voorbehoud)
Skill Sheets: the website
The Challenges
The Format
Series A Research
How to set up and structure good research. This skill covers the criteria, research aims, and research steps.
Series B Study and Self-Management
This skill supports students in making a study plan, and diagnosing their strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their own performance, including the development of an individual learning contract to set goals and measure progress.
Series C Reading
How to scan a book, how to deal with online databases. This skill also helps to develop argumentation skills and to identify misleading argumentation.
Series D Listening
How to manage the information presented during lectures, how to prepare a good interview and how to process the captured information.
Series E Writing
This skill covers everything from correct referencing, making a good bibliography, and layout to spelling errors.
Series F Presentation
This skill deals with how to prepare a presentation, setting clear goals, defining the aim of presentation, understanding your audience, making slides and how to design a presentation.
Series G Team and Project Management
This skill deals with group meetings, group assignments, feedback and peer teaching.

This book is accompanied by a website with various tools for students: www.skillsheets.com.

Over de auteur
Rob van Tulder is professor of International Business-Society Management at RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam


  • ISBN 9789043023139
  • 400 pagina's
  • Paperback
  • 21-02-2012
  • € 44.95

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